sudah setahun ye kita tak update blog.huhu..tak perasan yg diri ini ada blog sebenarnya. actually i'm not of a writer.. within a year a lot has happened. oh before that, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone (ada ke org baca blog kita nih.huhu..) kita ni takde lh taksub sgt ngn new year nih tp it's a good practice when we have a new year's resolution.mine? i haven't thought about mine yet.haha...

things that has happened throughout 2012:

1. my beautiful baby NUHA ERINA was born on 16 March 2012.

Nuha at 4 months

Nuha 30 years back. haha.. this is me. Just realized that Nuha is exactly like me

ayoyo..dh rotate pun jd camni
She who loves sucking anything.

kopok lekor made with love by Ayah

Nuha dh besar.. Nuha at 9 months

2. Nuha and Muaz was enrolled into university. hoho.. nursery lah...

ABG MUAZ.....dh beso dh die..muaz dan rambut maggi nyer...more pic of muaz coming right up

3. a day at Pusat Konservasi Gajah Kebangsaan, Kuala Gandah, Pahang

"gajah, oh gajah....", says Muaz (mcm dlm cartoon 'pd zaman dahulu')

mak2 ni mmg suka mengomel kn? tgh nk bergambar pun de je nk ckp.haha... tp pic ni je nmpk slim jd terpaksa upload

4. From Desaru to Pasir Gudang to JB to Nusajaya we had stayed in Pulai Desaru Beach Resort.

semua nk duduk depan.huhu

picture taken by Muaz
Pulai Desaru Beach Resort & Spa. terbaiks!! dpt bilik siap ada balcony  utk p ke swimming pool&beach

in front of hello kitty town gaya je lbh tp tak masuk. full house.org counter siap kata tak yah lh masuk sb terlampau ramai org.huhu..hampa makcik.

5. Muaz and his swimming pool

6. Massive house renovation
kami terpakse hidup merempat masa tgh construction

muaz suka sgt main hp abg kontraktor. 

berminggu-minggu lamanya rumah terbuka luas untuk pencuri masuk. mujur takde apa2 berlaku

itu dia...bakat terpendam

feature wall in my kitchen. masak tetap pemalas mcm apa.haha
...and zillion of activities throughout 2012.


  1. akhirnyaaa..nalin update blog. hehehe

    kenangan 2011 hehe..
    plg kesian terpaksa hidup merempat ms construction rumah..hehe


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